2.1. Concept of electronic spreadsheet
2.2. Organization of Excel Spreadsheet (Cell, Rows, Columns, Worksheet, Workbook
and Workspace), Getting Familiar with the Excel Screen and help, Moving Around
Your Cursor, Selecting Range In Workbook, Entering Data into Worksheet
2.3. Performing calculations: Using Simple Formula and Simple functions, Using Auto
Calculate and Labels.
2.4. Managing worksheet and workbook information
2.5. Managing Worksheet Information: Cut and Paste, ‘Drag And Drop, Copy And
Paste, Drag And Drop, Insert A New Row, Insert Multiple Rows, Delete Rows,
Insert A New Column, Insert Multiple Columns, Delete Columns, Insert A Cell
2.6. Formatting worksheet: Adjusting Column Width/ Row Height, Formatting Cell
Using Toolbar; Formatting Cell Using Menu Options
2.7. Creating chart: Change Chart Title, X axis and Y axis Title, Change Gridlines
Change Legend Options; Change Data Labels; Add Data Table Delete Data Series;
Add Data Series Using Mouse, Delete Chart; Formatting Chart
2.8. Setting up page and print: Setting Up Page, Change Page Orientation, Change
Scaling, Change Paper Size, Change Page Margin, Align To Center of Page, Add
Header! Footer previewing and Printing, Print preview, Print Active Sheets, Print
Selected Cells, Print Chart
2.9. Validating and protecting worksheet and workbook: Protecting Worksheet Style
And Content, Protecting Your Workbook From Unauthorized Users Access
2.10. Using workgroup features: Add Comment into a Cell, Show/Hide Comment
Indicators, Edit And Delete Comments Sharing Workbooks: Enable Workbook
Sharing, Disable Workbook Sharing, Copies of Shared Workbook, Track Changes
in Shared Workbook, Accept or Reject Changes
2.11. Creating pivot table and analyzing data: Creating Pivot Table, Updating pivot Table,
Modifying Calculated Field in pivot Table, Creating Chart From Pivot Table