नेपाल राष्ट्र बैंक (NRB): Computer Operator
About Lesson

2.1. Introduction, Types and Functions of operating systems,
2.2. Input Output and Files: I/O devices and its organization, Principles of I/O software
and hardware, Disks, Files and directories organization, File System Implementation
2.3. Common Operating Systems:
2.3.1. Installation, backup, recovery and optimization of operating systems: MS-DOS,
Windows Family of Products, Unix Family of Products, Linux Family of
2.3.2. Windows Networking, Windows Architecture, Linux Architecture,
Troubleshooting Windows, & Linux, Managing Network Printing, Managing
Hard Disks and Partitions, Monitoring and Troubleshooting Windows, Users,
Groups and Permission on Linux and Windows. Sharing file, folder, printer,
application, etc.
2.3.3. Identifying and managing Security Threats to Operating Systems