1.1. Computer: – Introduction, Characteristics, Types and Applications of Computer
1.2. Overview of a computer system:-
1.2.1. Input Unit: Keyboard, Mouse and Scanner
1.2.2. CPU: Arithmetic Logic Unit, Control Unit, Memory Unit
1.2.3. Output Unit: Monitor, Printer, etc.
1.2.4. Storage devices: Primary Memory (RAM, ROM, Cache, Register) &
Auxiliary Memory (Floppy Disk, Hard Disk, Compact Disk, DVD, Flash disk)
1.2.5. Others: Network card, Modem, Sound card, etc.
1.3. Software:- Definition, Types of Software and Programming Language
1.4. Introduction to ASCII, Unicode standards and font types
1.5. Security
1.5.1. Physical Security of Information Technology Infrastructure
1.5.2. Digital security: Antivirus, Firewalls, Antispyware, User authentication types,
1.5.3. Common security threats: Social engineering, Malware, Phishing, Spyware,
Viruses, Worms, Trojans, Distributed Denial of Services
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