4.1 Concept and types of electronic Spreadsheet
4.2 Electronic spreadsheet features – menu, cells, rows, columns, workbook,
workspace and worksheet
4.3 Entering data, text, functions – selecting cell, ranges – saving worksheet
4.4 Editing worksheet data – copying, cut and paste, inserting, deleting rows,
columns, cell ranges – find and replace data – spell check
4.5 Formatting worksheet – changing column width, row height, data , controlling
text within a cell ,changing font size, style, applying border, pattern styles, hiding
and displaying data
4.6 Charts – types, titles and legends, saving, moving and copying between sheets
4.7 Formulas, functions – entering formulas, cell references, date and time functions,
working with range names, entering functions
4.8 Sorting, filtering and working with data in a list
4.9 Importing from and exporting into other formats
4.10 Pivot Table, Goal Seek, Scenario & Audit, adding and removing sub totals
4.11 Printing – print preview, headers and footers – inserting, removing pagebreak
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