3.1 Introduction to office automation – advantages of office automation
3.2 Concept and types of Word Processing
3.3 Introduction – Wordmenu, toolbar, status bar, rulers, scrollbars and document
(creation, editing, saving, and opening)
3.4 Text – editing, deleting, inserting, selection, moving, copying, converting case,
doing/undoing edit, and finding and replacing Text
3.5 Formatting documents – paragraph formatting – applying styles, header and
footer, line spacing, creating lists with bullets and numbering
3.6 Page layout – numbering pages – inserting section break
3.7 Tables – creation, editing, formatting, insertion, document with tables
3.8 Creating Newspaper Style Documents Using Column
3.9 Opening & Saving different types of document
3.10 Mail merge and template creation
3.11 AutoCorrect, Spelling and Grammar Checking and Thesaurus
3.12 Security Technique of Documents
3.13 Master Document, Cross Reference, Index, Table of Content.
3.14 Printing – print preview, printer settings and other print options