3.1 Defining the System, System Owner, System User, System Designers and system
Builders, System Analysts, Variations on the System Analyst title, System life Cycle,
3.2 Joint Application Development (JAD): JAD definition, JAD purpose, JAD
Philosophy, JAD Scope,
3.3 Involved in a JAD: Sponsor, Business Users, System Analyst
3.4 Roles of JAD Group Member: Project Leader, Record Keeper, Time Keeper.
3.5 The System Design Environment: Development Process, Management Process,
System Structure, Basic Component of Computer based Information System, Personal/
Centralized/Distribution System.
3.6 Concept formations: Introduction, Finding the Problem, Evaluating the
Proposal, Technical Feasibility, Operational Feasibility, Economic Feasibility.
3.7 Requirements analysis: Representing System Analysis Model, Requirement Model,
Design Model,
3.8 Development Process: Design Method.
3.9 Entity Relationship Diagram (E-R Diagram): Notations, Entities: Strong Entities,
Weak Entities, Attributes: Simple and Composite, Single Valued and Multiple Valued,
Null and Derived Attribute.
3.10 Relationship Sets: Degree of Relationship and Cardinality Relationship,
Specialization, Generalization, Aggregation.
3.11 Data Flow Diagrams (DFDs): Introductions, Data flow Diagram, Symbol, Files or
data store, External entities, Data flows,
3.12 Describing System by Data Flow Diagram: Context diagram, Top level DFD,
Expansion Level DFD, Conversions of Data.
3.13 Object Modeling: Object -Oriented Concept, Object Structure, Object Feature, Class
and Object.
3.14 Representation: Association and Composition, Inheritance, Multiple Inheritances.
3.15 Modeling: Use Case Diagram, State Diagram, Event Flow Diagram.
3.16 Documentation: Automatic and Manual System.