Course Content
3. System Analysis and Design
4. Operating Systems
5. Database Management System and Design
6. Programming Language
7. Networking
8. Computer Architecture & Organization
9. Complier Design
10. E-Commerce Technology
11. MIS and Web Engineering
Sample questions
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About Lesson

3.1 Defining the System, System Owner, System User, System Designers and system
Builders, System Analysts, Variations on the System Analyst title, System life Cycle,
3.2 Joint Application Development (JAD): JAD definition, JAD purpose, JAD
Philosophy, JAD Scope,
3.3 Involved in a JAD: Sponsor, Business Users, System Analyst
3.4 Roles of JAD Group Member: Project Leader, Record Keeper, Time Keeper.
3.5 The System Design Environment: Development Process, Management Process,
System Structure, Basic Component of Computer based Information System, Personal/
Centralized/Distribution System.
3.6 Concept formations: Introduction, Finding the Problem, Evaluating the
Proposal, Technical Feasibility, Operational Feasibility, Economic Feasibility.
3.7 Requirements analysis: Representing System Analysis Model, Requirement Model,
Design Model,
3.8 Development Process: Design Method.
3.9 Entity Relationship Diagram (E-R Diagram): Notations, Entities: Strong Entities,
Weak Entities, Attributes: Simple and Composite, Single Valued and Multiple Valued,
Null and Derived Attribute.
3.10 Relationship Sets: Degree of Relationship and Cardinality Relationship,
Specialization, Generalization, Aggregation.

3.11 Data Flow Diagrams (DFDs): Introductions, Data flow Diagram, Symbol, Files or
data store, External entities, Data flows,
3.12 Describing System by Data Flow Diagram: Context diagram, Top level DFD,
Expansion Level DFD, Conversions of Data.
3.13 Object Modeling: Object -Oriented Concept, Object Structure, Object Feature, Class
and Object.
3.14 Representation: Association and Composition, Inheritance, Multiple Inheritances.
3.15 Modeling: Use Case Diagram, State Diagram, Event Flow Diagram.
3.16 Documentation: Automatic and Manual System.