संघ लोक सेवा आयोगः (Computer Operator)
About Lesson

4.1. Concept of Electronic Spreadsheet
4.2. Organization of Electronic Spreadsheet application (Cells, Rows, Columns,
Worksheet, Workbook
and Workspace)
4.3. Creating, Opening, Saving, Page Setting, Previewing and Printing Work Book;
Changing default options
4.4. Elements of Electronic Spreadsheet Environment (Menu, Toolbars, Status bar,
Rulers, Scrollbars)
4.5. Editing, Copying, Moving, Deleting Cell Contents; Formatting Cells (Font, Border,
Pattern, Alignment, Number and Protection); Formatting Rows, Column and Sheets
4.6. Using Formula – Relative Cell and Absolute Cell Reference
4.7. Using basic Functions
4.8. Generating Series; Sorting and Filtering Data; Summarizing Data with Sub Totals
4.9. Creating Charts
4.10. Inserting Header and Footer
4.11. Spell Checking
4.12. Importing data from and Exporting into other formats
4.13. Familiarity with Devanagari fonts