This section consists of 2 (two) sub-sections i.e. Technical Writing and Case study.
16.1 Technical Writing (1 question Carrying 10 marks)
This section may ask the examinee to write technical proposal on given
specification, essay, views/critics etc. The topic must be related to computer
technology or the matter related therewith and examinee should be encouraged
to put his/her own views and reasoning rather than facts/information.
16.2 Case Study (1 question Carrying 20 marks)
This section is dedicated to the analysis and design of a software system.
Examinee should be given a scenario of existing system and asked to analyze
and design it following one particular paradigm. This section should include
the various domain of knowledge in one platform (for e.g. A case study may
incorporate questions from Software Engineering and Database management
and Operating system domains).